Four weeks to a flat stomach

Wow, what would that be like? How would you feel? Imagine that I could give you a magic wand that you could use to touch your tummy and that it would be flat. For many of us that would mean new clothes as the current clothes may then look quite baggy.

fat man on the run

in search of a flatter tummy

From my own experience  I know that it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 30 days (about 9kg), but that does not necessarily mean that the weight loss was in the right area. What you would want to make sure of is that the loss is around the stomach.

You may wonder, “why is it important for me to have a flatter stomach?”  There are many aspects that could influence your life span on earth. The slide below suggests that you will lose some 20 years of your possible life span if you are 30 years old with a waist to height ratio of 80%. So apart from many of the other reasons, you could live longer.

live longer

Forget about the scale for a moment and do this quick test: measure your tummy (take a measuring tape or if you do not have that handy, use a piece of rope or something similar) around the body and over the belly button. Multilpy this by two. If this is more than your height, then you need to lose around the tummy. (if you use a rope or something else to measure, check that the rope length as measured around your stomach is not twice your length – you may need someone to assist you with this).

So we have designed a brand new programme where we focus on teaching you in four weeks how to get to a flat tummy. It may not be enough time for you to get a flat stomach, but it will give you enough time to get going and to implement what you have been taught.

coaches to assist

coaches will help

How does it work? We have weekly classes of 45 minutes each where you get to learn the basics. You need to attend these four classes. During this time you will get exercise plans and meal plans that is fairly easy to follow and to do. You will be in a fun environment where you will learn with other people.

push ups will help

one of our coaches showing an easier pushup …

There will also be a four week competition where you could win a small prize. The main thing, however, is that we want to teach you to be a winner by getting the tummy in shape and in proportion.

You will pay a participation fee for the period which will differ from area to area.

Start now and feel better about yourself, have better health, look better, improve your love life and get fitter and stronger.

coach Hansie with friend

Coach Hansie with friend

So if you are interested, ask for more information using the contact form below.

Seven skills for success …

There are seven skills for sucess that will make you successfull in almost anything that you want to accomplish. Learning and mastering these skills will be extremely beneficial for your life and even more particular if you want to become a professional in network marketing.

1. Collector

You need to become skilled at collecting names and writing them down. Then you need to find a creative way to stay in touch with these people. If you are able to enrich that person’s life or help in any way it will make it easy when you have the opportunity one day to ask them for assitance. This applies if you are a politician or a pastor. Collect a minimum of two names a day. Over a year that will be over 700 names and that can be 30 000 names over a lifetime.

The second question that you need to ask when you have these names is … who do they know? If you ask and get this answered your list will grow much faster than two a day. You could get to your 30 000 names much faster.

2. Inviterpursuer-distancer

Just imagine you have a birthday and everything is ready – wonderful things to eat and enough to drink, but then …. you have no guests turning up!

You need to develop the skill of inviting people. Whether you invite them to your birthday party, to church or to a political rally, you must make people at least a bit curious to come. It is fine to invite people to come, it is great when you have learned the skill of inviting. How do I invite a friend and how do I invite someone that I barely know. There is a difference!

3. Presenter

Many of us are not preachers or great orators, but we all can present in one way or another. I must at least be able to share a little bit… it may be that I only say … I have found and incredible man… is He not the answer? So if I present and I point to another man or woman who will be presenting or explaining or inspiring, then I have done my work.

All the time I want to become better at presenting and explaining, but it does not keep me from presenting if I am not the guru yet.

4. Pursuer

I want to be able to follow up with a person who is considering something that I have shared. I may invite the person to go running with me. I am conscious of the fact that he has not run for a long time, but that he wants to start running again. He said that he is going to buy running shoes and that he will then be ready for his first attempt to run again. If he has expressed the desire to run, I will contact him to ask – are you ready? when are we starting?

So I want to pursue his dream with him – the dream may be to run 5km or it may be to run 100 km, but to be successful, I want to talk to him again and again until he reaches his goal. Sometimes we do not know what we want, so a 5km goal mya turn intoa 100 km goal.

business-consultant5. Consultant

A consultant is a person that will assist you to  choose a certain course of action. A consultant is never the second hand car salesman wanting to sell the car to you at all costs. You may have the heart of a consultant, but the skills of the car salesman. The secret is to learn this skill and to then assist people to get what they want or to make sure that they do not end with the result that they do not want. A consultant is a person who can give professional advice about a matter at hand. That requires certain knowledge and experience. You will not have all of this when you start, but you could build yourself to consultant level.

6. Mentorconsultants

You may have a considerable amount of knowledge and expertise and you may be able to communicate that to people, but the big secret is to transfer (at least) some of your expertise. So I could go out running with someone and caution him against going out too fast. He may be able to run a good 5km or 10km distance but if he is going to sprint for the first six minutes like you would do in a 100m race, that will not work for best performance. mentorship is being there and giving information, but also leading by example.

A mentor will assist another person to start a new project or venture correctly.

7. Promoter promoter

Finally you need to be a promoter. The promoter in certain instances may be seen as th eperson or company organising a certain event. In the sense what I am referring to as promoter here, it has to do with the active supporter or advocate of an event. The event my be a 5km run in a park or it may be the Comrades marathon that is almost 90 km. The point here is that the promoter will invite people to attend the event and at the same time he will inspire them to do everything that is necessary to make it happen. It may not be the promoter’s event, but it will be an event that he would invite people to consider to attend. Mastering this skill will lead to success in your life.