Four weeks to a flat stomach

Wow, what would that be like? How would you feel? Imagine that I could give you a magic wand that you could use to touch your tummy and that it would be flat. For many of us that would mean new clothes as the current clothes may then look quite baggy.

fat man on the run

in search of a flatter tummy

From my own experience  I know that it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 30 days (about 9kg), but that does not necessarily mean that the weight loss was in the right area. What you would want to make sure of is that the loss is around the stomach.

You may wonder, “why is it important for me to have a flatter stomach?”  There are many aspects that could influence your life span on earth. The slide below suggests that you will lose some 20 years of your possible life span if you are 30 years old with a waist to height ratio of 80%. So apart from many of the other reasons, you could live longer.

live longer

Forget about the scale for a moment and do this quick test: measure your tummy (take a measuring tape or if you do not have that handy, use a piece of rope or something similar) around the body and over the belly button. Multilpy this by two. If this is more than your height, then you need to lose around the tummy. (if you use a rope or something else to measure, check that the rope length as measured around your stomach is not twice your length – you may need someone to assist you with this).

So we have designed a brand new programme where we focus on teaching you in four weeks how to get to a flat tummy. It may not be enough time for you to get a flat stomach, but it will give you enough time to get going and to implement what you have been taught.

coaches to assist

coaches will help

How does it work? We have weekly classes of 45 minutes each where you get to learn the basics. You need to attend these four classes. During this time you will get exercise plans and meal plans that is fairly easy to follow and to do. You will be in a fun environment where you will learn with other people.

push ups will help

one of our coaches showing an easier pushup …

There will also be a four week competition where you could win a small prize. The main thing, however, is that we want to teach you to be a winner by getting the tummy in shape and in proportion.

You will pay a participation fee for the period which will differ from area to area.

Start now and feel better about yourself, have better health, look better, improve your love life and get fitter and stronger.

coach Hansie with friend

Coach Hansie with friend

So if you are interested, ask for more information using the contact form below.

stop the slow suicide

You are busy with suicide. Many religions would frown on suicide. You are not to take your own life. In spite of that many people (and christians that I know) are busy with slow suicide. It is time to stop it.

reduce body fat

Are you busy with slow suicide? Take this two minute test – find a tape measure. Ladies, measure your tummy about 1 inch (2 cm) above your belly button. Men, you measure about one inch (2 cm) below belly button. If this measurement is more than half (50%) of your height. you are busy with slow suicide. Now if you cannot find a tape measure, take any piece of string and measure your belly – take the string twice around your body. Now if this string is longer than your height you are busy with slow suicide.

This is a useful chart from Dr Margaret Ashwell where you can plot yourself on the graph.


Take action!

You may say, why do I need to take action?

How Does Belly Fat Harm You?

Belly fat doesn’t just lay idle at your beltline. Researchers describe it as an active “organ” in your body — one that churns out hormones and inflammatory substances.

“Abdominal fat is thought to break down easily into fatty acids, which flow directly into the liver and into muscle,” says Lewis Kuller, MD, DPH, professor and past chair of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health.

When these excess fatty acids drain into the liver, they trigger a chain reaction of changes — increasing the production of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and triglycerides. During this time insulin can also become less effective in controlling blood sugar, so insulin resistance sets in, he explains.

Blood sugars start to get out of balance. Fats and clots get into the bloodstream, and that sets the stage for diabetes, heart disease, and more.

And research shows that abdominal fat triggers a change in angiotensin, a hormone that controls blood vessel constriction — increasing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack, Kuller explains.

Indeed, belly fat is a key indicator of “metabolic syndrome,” a cluster of abnormalities that include high levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, as well as low levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. This combination of risks has an impact on mortality from heart disease.

Belly Fat: Men’s vs. Women’s Risks

Men tend to collect more belly fat than women, and it starts early in life. “In adolescence and postadolescence, men start collecting abdominal fat,” Kuller tells WebMD. “It’s one of the reasons men have more coronary disease than women.”

In one study, men with excess belly fat and a large waist were most at risk for what researchers call “all-cause mortality” — early death from any cause. And because belly fat can trigger cardiovascular problems, a large belly has also been linked to erectile dysfunction in men over age 60. ( )

This is indeed slow suicide. So what can you do about it? There are vaious ways to do this, but one of the best ways to reduce your waist line is to increase healthy protein intake and decrease carbohydrate intake. There is a huge argument out now about increasing healthy fat as well (Prof Tim Noakes), but the main focus now is – reduce your waist to a healthy level (or increase it if you are underwaist!)

Tim Ferris, The Daniel Plan, Herbalife, The Daniel Plan Detox, Tim Noakes, Banting diet, Paleo – pich something and start doing it until you find a plan that works for you.

Hansie Louw dropped over 20 kg and brought his belly in line with his height. So help me get this message out – stop the slow suicide!

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